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  • caroline folz

Lesson one

Updated: Apr 24, 2023


Caroline Folz

For our first class with the students we were able to introduce the project that has been planned for them. When we arrived at the class we were able to chat with the main teacher to get our presentation up on the board and the microphone working. Making sure we were prepared before the students were in the classroom. To start off the class's attention was grabbed by the main teacher then my group and myself were able to introduce ourselves and go right into explaining the project. We had split up the slides for all of us to complete together since this class was a co-teaching lesson. First Juana started off the presentation talking about what we would be doing and what the main idea is, then Kelsey took her turn and explained what types of ideas could work for the students and how they could go about this project, then I went and talked about what a story looks like, what is needed to have a complete story and what the main idea needed to be. Once the presentation was over we grouped the students into nine groups and passed out a sheet for them to fill out. The sheet was a basic outline of a story so they would be able to divide their ideas up and draw out their story before we start creating. While all this was going on the three of us just walked around to all the tables just checking in with all the students and making sure they were on the right path. From my own experience while walking around some groups seemed to have an idea right from the beginning and were able to draw it out smoothly. While other groups couldn't come up with ideas right away or were not following the main idea of community that we had asked. That's when I stepped in a little to just give suggestions out for ideas they all can connect with, or ask questions like “how does this connect to the topic?” “ What can you add or change to make sure it does connect to the community?” or even “can you explain to me your story?”. I noticed these simple questions and steps helped the students get to where they needed. I think our glow was how well the students did end up coming together to create abstract stories. Our grow would be for us as a group to make sure we have other things planned for students who may finish their work early. We did have a few groups that finished their story outline before class was over and just had to sit there and chat. For a more successful classroom we as teachers need to make sure to always have options for the students so they are not left doing nothing.

Class Work: This was a group that had some really abstract ideas but was no connection back to the main idea of community, this was a group I did sit down with asking questions to help get them in the right direction.

Class Work/ Materials List: This is the same group as seen below who jumped into this project, this is the back of their page where we had asked them to write down what ideas and materials they have for the background and characters they will be making. to not only know what we need to provide for them but also for the students to start visualizing their ideas.
Class Work/ Materials List: This is another example of a groups material list, showing how different students can lay out their ideas but have very similar ideas for what they think will make their project successful.
Class Work: This was a group that jumped on their idea very quickly and was able to come up with a well-thought-out story connecting to the community. That being said they also finished very fast and would have been beneficial if we had other work for them to complete.
Class Work: This is another group idea that in the beginning the group was not talking much and claimed that they had nothing in common. I had talked to them and suggested a few different ways they could find a connection and when I came back around they found one. Space. They didn't just come up with an idea but a well throughout story line that connects to community.

Class Work: I wanted to include a group that not only struggled with ideas but also communicating with each other. It took this group more time them provided. Their story to me is one of the bigger messages about texting and driving, and how it needs to stop, at the same time even with a great idea us as teachers need to be able to find ways to make sure groups work together and care about the project given to them.
Some WAYS we would improve THIS LESSON in the future include:
  1. Having worksheets that are specific to our assignment we've created.

  2. Having film checklists available starting on this day


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